Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Hostel life

After travelling on and off over the past few years I've come across a fair few hostels, especially now as I'm writing this on the last day of a double road trip through Tasmania and the Great Ocean Road and it's fair to say I have definitely come across some interesting and wacky typical stereotype travellers along the way. 
This post is me trying to name and explain (or atleast try to) some of the individuals you usually come across and I'm sure will be able to relate with if you too have experienced hostel life. 

This is me being totally stereotypical so please don't get offended :) 
Not every traveller with a suitcase is a wanker it's just what I call them for jokes. 

The Brand Spanking New Traveller 
So these guys are fresh travellers usually freaking out at the whole shared mixed sex dorm situation and how to get dressed without people people thinking you're easy (the dorm perves) They're usually a suitcase wanker aswell, but sometimes not. If they're on their own they are usually really quiet or totally in your face asking questions about EVERYTHING. Usually nice peeps. 

The Forever Traveller 
These people are pretty hardcore. The people I've met that have been on the road for a very long time, usually forming some sort of natural dread in their hair with numerous friendship bracelets and a cracking tan. Great story tellers and not a lot phases them. 

The Big Drinker Party Animal 
(With no noise concern after everyone's asleep) 
Oh my favourite. Not. I like my sleep and for those that know me I don't really drink  so I'm not a huge fan of drunk people alone, especially when they come in at silly o'clock and bang and crash and talk REALLY loud and then drunk snore the rest of the night so no one else can sleep. Once they're asleep it's not so bad it's when they bring a friend back or a "night friend" and attempt to get it on quietly so no one else can hear, but we ALL can. I like to get ready early and put all the lights on the next morning just to welcome them to the hangover Ha! 

The Flashpackers 
For those who don't know what a flash packer is.. It's a backpacker/traveller that packs everything and usually dolls up and pays extra so they don't have to hate any facilities with other people.. Again usually a suitcase wanker. Like the type of people that go camping and bring a blow up mattress and a toilet, and a shower and champagne.... And probably a spray tan machine and tent. Ok too far. 

The Stoner 
Travellers that live off beans and super noodles as they spend all their so far life savings on pills or weed and not experiences (each to their own) 
The ones I've across are either off their fave on some weird pills or something or completely mellowed the f*€k out on a lot of pot and talking about evolution and dinosaurs and if crabs drink beer do they walk forwards and stuff (totally sounds like a conversation I'd have) usually amusing to listen to if you have a lot of spare time. 

The Creepy One 
You're sharing a room with a bunch I strangers from all over the world that some have been travelling years... You're bound to come across some weirdos but these are something else. I'm talking about the ones that you see staring right at you while you sleep or awkwardly touch you when they walk passed. NOT COOL. 

Forever Sleepers
I've noticed a lot of the Europeans sleep a hell of a lot. I mean if you're trying to see things and make each day worth it you're usually out the room by around 9/10am but these guys are still in bed asleep at like 5pm! I mean unless you work and just living at the hostel and it's a day off then fair enough but if you're travelling you'd think you'd make the most of your time outside rather than cooped up in a bunk bed. 

The OVERLY Friendly Lone Traveller 
These guys are either hilarious or just fucking annoying. I mean, I have to give it to them for doing it alone, it must be hard and you kinda have to be a little extra friendly to make friends alone, especially when a lot of people travel in couples or groups. But there's a limit. And self inviting themselves out with you everywhere you go is a little OTT. Especially if you're a travelling couple. Have yet to experience this one yes but I've defo seen it. 

The Awkward Older Traveller/Families 
In a hostel you usually expect the clientele to be youngish travellers either alone or in a couple or group. But occasionally you get the odd 50+ year old (usually alone) or even better, a whole family. It doesn't sound too bad but when you're in a hostel and if it's quite a lively one its a little awkward. It hasn't happened to me but a friend of mine staying in the same hostel as us in Sydney was in a 6 dorm room and the other 5 beds were taken up by a family! How awkward! 

And last but not least... (There were more that I wrote down to talk about but my thumbs ache) 

The Suitcase Wanker 
Ok not EVERYONE travelling with a suitcase is a wanker.. I just like calling them it especially if they're moving around a lot through busy cities and on and off trams and buses and trains and they're lugging a massive suitcase with them. Fair enough if you're staying in one place for a while and then moving on but when you're just spending a week or so somewhere and then moving on it's ten times easier just to sling your life on your back and take out pedestrians with your swinging walking boots or sleeping bag (or in my case a koala teddy named kelvin) It is added entertainment though seeing suitcases tip over and get in the way and take out people and wheels off on their own back down the hill, so cheers :) 

But I love hostel life and the weird and wonderful individuals you come across in them just makes it all more of a memorable experience :) 

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