Sunday, 8 March 2015

10 random little facts about me that you may or may not know

When I was 16/17 year old i was playing football on a bouncy castle in an outdoor ed lesson and I ended up kicked someone's foot instead of the ball and ended up breaking my big toe. I strapped it to the toe next to it and in doing so I have now have a slightly deformed bent big toe with arthritis starting and I will probably have to have it re-broken and but back in place at some point. Sexy eh? 

I have a huge fear of the dark ever since I was a kid. Going to the toilet at night is still scary even though the bathroom is in my room. Walking anywhere that is dark on my own looks like a scene from a horror movie where the girl is running away from a baddy and just flailing about like a tit. Thank god for the torch on my phone. I end up telling my brain that there are people following me or something in the bushes and it's a total mind over matter thing. At night I have to sleep on the side of the bed that is furthest away from the door and if I ever had to sleep without my boyfriend I end up having a little night light on. Pathetic I know. 

I was born with an eye problem which has left me now with less than 10% vision in my right eye and next to no depth perception. As I kid I had to have really horrific looking glasses, some strong ass eye drops and my very cool eye patch with dinosaur stickers to jazz it up which totally made me the most popular kid in school and obviously never got bullied for it. Naaat! 
It hasn't really stopped me doing anything apart from working for the police or some high up job (but let's face it this is me we are talking about) I can't really play sport with ball very well anymore with the whole depth perception thing. I used to play basketball but now it's just painful when you get a ball to the face every 3 minutes. Hopefully it won't effect driving in the future,I haven't learnt completely yet as I don't need to drive now while I'm travelling and I didn't want to spend loads of money on learning and then to find I can't drive in years to come but hopefully it won't effect it. I wear glasses now and then when I'm static or watching tv or reading something but having them on 24/7 I end up bumping into things are they are so magnified it's like looking through a goldfish bowl.
I'm really bad in crowds, I have to cling onto my boyfriend because I just end up walking into people not being able to see how far something or someone is in front of me. I probably just look drunk all the time but nope, it's just me and my wonky eye :) there's no cure really for my little funky eye, I can't have laser surgery in it as it's a brain connection that is where the problem/weekness is but I can't have it in my left eye. So we will see! Until then I'll just be bumping into things and people. And NEVER throw me a phone or camera or something breakable to catch, I won't. 

Everyone has weird little things that make them shudder. Some people can't stand the sound of nails on a chalk board or the screech of cutlery on plates. For me, I ABSOLUTELY HATE people chewing their toothbrush. It litterly makes me feel sick and all funny. That sound of the brushes on their teeth as they crunch down on it. I'm feeling all shaking just typing about it. My boyfriend loves to wind me up with it most days. Don't do it, I will punch you. 

Another thing I'm afraid of is people touching my belly button. I'm sure there's some long word for it but I can't think for the life of me what it is. I don't know if it's because I have an inny belly button or the fact I've had an operation where I have key hole surgery almost through my belly button but I literally hate it. Again, the boyfriend likes to really wind me up with it. The outcome wasn't pretty. 

FISH. I can't stand the smell of fish, I can't stand eating fish I just can't do it. Not even a fish finger. Ok I've had fish fingers before and they're bareable doused in ketchup but I just don't think that is it fish and it's not too bad but out of choice I won't eat fish. I don't think if it's because my aunt used to own the fish shop at my dad's boatyard and as a kid I'd always be in there and watching them gut fish and the smell of it just haunted me. Prawns scare me, eating the whole thing like the whole body and then sucking it's brains and blah blah. I mean ew. We had them on the table for Christmas dinner last year at the farm as everyone has king prawns over in Australia for Christmas and it was horrendous. They just look at you with their big black bobbly eyes as you tuck in. Not a fan. 

For those that know me well know that I am quite a... What's the word... Outspoken? But basically I'm not very good at taming the filter between my brain and mouth. I think I get that from my mum, we're quite a loud, say what you think family. And it can be a good thing, or it can be an awkward thing and I'm often thinking to myself "maybe I should've kept that in" or something. People say to me that im entitled to my opinion and I am quite opinionated aswell as wearing my heart of my sleeve. I'm not good at filtering my brain to my mouth. Apologies. 

People get a little surprised if they find out that I'm actually really self coincious and unconfident. I know I'm not a quiet person and I'm always ranting on about being yourself and travel and blah blah blah and it's all true but underneath I am very uneasy with mainly my body. Which does affect different ways I feel good and rubbish. I've never been skinny I've always had junk in my trunk and I'm starting a routine that hopefully my future self will thank me for. 

The reason my blog name is featherheadthoughts is because I have feathers in my hair (for those who really don't know me all that well) 

And last but not least... My really shit party trick. I can do all sorts of armpit farts with my hand. Like you used to do as a kid or mainly what all the boys used to do in primary school if kiss chase didn't end up impressing the girls. It's not ladylike and it's not very cool but if im drunk (rare for me I know) and around new people, don't be shocked if I pull out my armpit farting skills. If you're still my friend afterwards then you're a Keeper! 

Ciao. Featherhead

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