Tuesday, 21 April 2015

10 little reminders that you're almost a grown up

Okay. So I guess technically I am a grown up but for as long as I can I will pretend that I am still a spring chicken. 
So here's ten little reminders that remind me that I am growing up... 

1) When you're feeling crappy, either a bad monthly spell or just unwell...you have to make you're own dippy eggs and soldiers. (Never as good as mums) 

2) You have to actually watch what you eat. As in, sitting infront of netflix for days on end eating your body weight in Pringles is not going to make you look like Beyoncé. And you have to move, you're ass. Or you just become one BIG ass. I'm slowly working on it... 

3) I used to never sleep in passed 8am on days off. That was my ultimate lay in. I used to get too bored and wake up itching to do something with my day. 
But now I'm dead to the world and can't wait to jump in my little comfy pit and sleep as long as I can. Even on working days im snoozing the alarm until the time I have to get ready for work endangers me of looking like a road for the rest of the day. 

4) Despite how much I hate this one it is true. But wearing PJs or onesies out in public is a no go from about the age of 15. Unless you're lucky enough to be from my home town and then it's just the norm. Or Liverpool.... 

5) Whether you were old school enough to play it on the PC (like me) or you had it on a game console, CROC was the best game ever back in the day but no kids have a clue what it is. KAPOW! KASPLAT! 

6) I never belivied family members when they would tell me that I'd end up being friends with my sister when we grew up and tell eachother things. Me and my sister have 4 years between us and growing up we used to fight like mad. The full on cat fight, hair pulling and biting (still got the war scars) but now we are real close (as close as you can be when I'm the otherside of the world) although we're still like chalk and cheese!

7) Actually worrying about where to live and what to eat and just normal things that we totally take for granted as a kid. 

8) You never leave the doctors or dentist with a sticker for being a good girl anymore. 

9) You get these phones calls and emails about important shit that you have no clue what the hell they're about but you have to deal with it without palming the phone off to your mum. 

10) Your boobs finally have a growth spurt since you were 12, yippppeeee. 

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