Following on from my post I wrote a while ago on my personal views on alcohol, I figured that its only fair that I write one on this subject.
So, drugs huh. Funny subject.. I've been meaning to write about this subject for a while now because its something that I've never really experienced. I mean, I don't drink, I've never even tried a cigarette in my whole twenty four years of life, heck have I tried drugs.
Well alright, that's a lie.. I've tried weed very briefly on a rooftop over looking the NYC skyline. Despite the setting being pretty outstanding, it was shit. I just felt sick, and then was sick the next day. I've also tried a legal high, very briefly in Brighton. God only knows what it was but again, it was shit.
I have pretty strong views on alcohol so it's only expected I share the similar hate for drugs. Well, yes. I don't like drugs very much but then like I said.. I've not really been introduced to them or found myself experimenting with them.
Now, hallucinogenic drugs totally fascinate me in how they are able to unlock these different parts of the brain and make you experience these weird and sometimes wonderful trips. I don't know if I would ever go as far as trying any other drugs because they scare me, but I am interested in what it would be like to trip and hallucinate.
Disclaimer, I don't really know what I'm talking about so if I write something that isn't correct or whatever then just ignore it yeah?
Alright, the low down is that drugs make me feel uncomfortable. I'm talking the hard drugs.. I'm not talking about weed. Weed I don't have a problem with, until it takes over somebody's life and they become dependant on it and it starts to make them paranoid and not themselves. That's when any substance becomes a problem, and I'm not a lover of any substance really. I get really uncomfortable at the idea of being out of control, which is why I don't really like being drunk or seeing people I care about totally off their faces.
I see the effects on drugs a lot in the job that I do and its heart breaking seeing the harsh reality of it. Something that one minute can make you feel on top of the world and as soon as it wears off, lower than low. Left with nothing, literally. Taking these chemicals to erase harsh memories of the past. A sad, scary reality in some cases that I've seen. That's the really sad side of what I see in drugs and people can take them for a number of reasons. Out of boredom, peer pressure, to heighten the dynamic of a night out or social event, to cover up the pain of a memory or on-going issue, to ease physical pain as well as mental.
My view on using drugs for social events is a tricky one, I can see the want to exaggerate emotions and feelings but I personally think that its covering up reality in a way. Good times come about from being around good people and good conversation in a positive atmosphere. It saddens me that some people find it near impossible to enjoy a night out or social gathering without being completely off their face. You shouldn't need a substance to have a top night in my eyes anyway.
Saying all this.. and again I'm not saying I'd try it because its highly unlikely but I am kind of curious as to what it would feel like to be high.
It's mostly pills, cocaine and other "un-natural" substances that freak me out, not so much things like shrooms, weed and truffles etc. that are extracted from the earth. But putting those hard chemicals into your body and blood stream. Our bodies aren't made for that shit surely.
Anyway.. I don't really want to go on and on about this subject only because I feel I don't know enough on it to really comment.
There it is.
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