Monday, 29 December 2014

Farm Life

From beaches to Beaudesert 
Whilst in surfers paradise we found a job on Gumtree advertising for someone to work on a small race horse stud farm in a small country town called Beaudesert just an hour inland from the goldcoast. We got In touch with the lady who owned the farm and we landed the job and started a couple days later. The lady that owned the farm worked in surfers paradise so was able to give us a lift back to beaudesert. 

We get a house to live in whilst working on the farm which is about a 30 minute bike ride away from the farm which we have bikes and cycle to and from, high typically Callum has broken his tyres so we are getting lifts in at the moment. The house is awesome and we love surrounded by paddocks with pretty horses all around and a cute little Aussie sheep dog that lives next door called Montana, who I totally adore! 

Average day on the farm 
A day on the farm is always different and there's never a dull day working with some of the crazy little personalities we work with. There's things we have to do each day like feeding the horses morning and evening, feeding the chickens and collecting eggs, feeding budgies and other birds, feeding dogs and cat in the evening, cleaning out the stables and poo picking the paddocks. 
Along side those jobs we do things like Strimming which is called whipper snipping over here (Callum's job) which I find hilarious still, painting fences, weeding, watering plants and veggie patch, washing the dogs, collecting rocks for garden walls, cleaning around the house, taking rubbish out and then the horsey stuff like grooming, washing, hoof picking, lunging and riding the two rideable horses. It works out great as Callum usually does all the handy man stuff like Strimming, fixing fences and stuff and I do the horsey stuff and then we both do all the other bits together. Works out great! 

Bugs. Everything bites 
Oh my god the bloody bugs on the farm drive me barmy. From the minutes you leave the house and jump on the bike to when you're cleaning poo in the heat of the day til you reach the house back door on the ride home, the bugs are all up in your face. I smother myself in bug spray usually getting it in my eyes and mouth and yet thee little sods still sit on my face.  Sometimes they're cool when you sit and watch the ants carry things in their nests but other than that they are awful. Even these tiny winey little ants that get into your socks bite like hell! 
The spider webs catch me out everyday. There's this massive one about two foot wide that I (without fail) walk straight through everyday and it's horrific. I get web all in my hair and in my mouth and up my nose. Not nice atall. But that's really the only down side. Apart from the weather.. When it's really really hot it's so sticky and sometimes unbareable. Until you get that beautiful little breeze.. Ahhh. 

Meet the gang

The chihuahuas - Mr Slim and Lesley Chow 

They are adorable, slim is the little brown one who's just the goofiest cutest little thing who tries to make friends with the horses by almost getting under their feet, runs with his front legs out straight and thinks he's a boxer dog like Diesel. 

The Boxer - Diesel 

Diesel is adorable! I am so in love with this slobbery bouncy runaway pooch. He chills with me in the stables while I clean on a long rope as he likes to explore beaudesert on his own whenever he feels like it and he's off a rope, loves to dance with me and does a great impression of a kangaroo when he's excited. 

The foals -Sven and the unnamed filly 
The mares - Poleaze and Gwen 

These guys are ao cute, Sven is the chestnut (ginger to un-horsey folk) and the unnamed is the brown one with a white star on her head. Sven is a little rebel who likes to escape paddocks and is becoming quite brave with me giving him strokes and scratches considering he hates human contact. The unnamed little beauty looks funny as she has her baby fur still on half her body and she just skips around following her mum. Adorable. 
Poleaze which is the unnamed fillys mum is a first time mum who's quite weary of the babies whereabouts and stands between me and the foal if I get too close to her. Gwen is Svens mum who's been a mum to around 6 foals so she's pretty relaxed with the foal and doesn't care unless there's food involved and then you see her turn into a moody mare! 

The Shetland- Zorro 

Zorro is such a little character with his little fly mask. He follows me around and trots after me if I run Infront of him and loves to roll straight after I've given him a bath. He's got his own cart that he can pull two adults in too! (Once we've fixed it up) 

The yearlings- Tracy, Trudy and Sweetie 

These guys are last years babies and they're not so little anymore! They have a huge field they play in all day and every couple days I go in a play with them and give them a brush to get used to being handled. There's sweetie who's Gwen's baby aswell who's the chestnut ginger one. She's so sweet and gentle and a little nervy sometimes but has such a girl face. Tracy is the brown one without white socks, she's very interested in everything am always comes right up to you and has no sense of space awareness. And then there's Trudy the brown one with socks who is probably the most confident and loves to be the centre of attention when I come in the paddock to give them a brush and scratches.  

The Giant - Raap

This is raap. A 17hh ginger beauty with a baby face. I would say gentle giant but it's not so much the case with this guy.
Loves a lunge, loves being fussed but the second you stop fussing he's trying to eat you. Loves eating lead ropes and poo pickers and has an unhealthy obsession with wheelbarrows (and if he's in a really annoying mood he tips them over, full of poo) 

The new little mare - Piper 
Piper is a newby who's only been at the farm a month or so. She's the horse I ride now and then and is really nice to ride and take around the race track. Although she has a couple of personalities.. She's either very chilled and lovely and loves a cuddle and making friends with the yearlings or she's being a typical mare and trying to nip me, push me out the way and rip her head collar off. She usually changes tune after some liquorice. Typical girl turns sweet after her sweet tooth is taken care of. 

There's also a cat called Geoffrey and se chickens and budgies but I don't have photos of those and Lisa and Ben who are the owners who are really nice and chilled :) 

Happy reading :) 

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