Friday, 7 November 2014

Five expectations of Australia

These are just a few snipets of expectations that pop into my head when someone asks me what do I expect Australia to be like when we pack our rucksack and head there for hopefully a couple of years in just 13 days time..


 Its going to be hot. That I know. Apparently the hottest summer recorded in the last 25 years! I'm one of those people who are freakishly cold all the time. I rekon I wore shorts maybe twice this summer and thats not just because my pins are so white they pretty much reflect any sun rays that hit their surface. I'm not a huge fan of wearing vests and shorts anyway which has come in my favour living in England which is pretty much the Artic for me. As soon as the sun even makes a glimpse in the skies over Britain the whole population are wacking out their bodies and the factor 50 even if the temperature just about reaches 14 degrees. 

2) Deadly, bitey, stingy critters

I've heard that Australia has I think 7 of the top 10 deadliest spiders, 5 out of the top 10 deadliest snakes, the most poisonous jellyfish and odd fish that like to disguise themselves as rocks which apparently also try and kill you. Not to mention the salt water crocodile and the great white shark. I've been warned about little buggers underneath toilet seats and hiding in your boots ready to strike so you have to check the loo seat everytime before you spring a leak and also to shake out your boots before stepping into them.
So bassically don't use toilets, don't wear anything but flip-flops, never step foot in the sea or ever venture out of an air-tight room and you'll be alright. Ish. 
I think i'll be using bugspray instead of purfume on my travels.

3) Aussie hotties VS Alright-looking poms

Its known that Australia is full of drop dead gorgeous supermodels lying about on the beaches and hot surfer guys. I mean thats all you see being advertised all over the web and thats pretty much what I expect when I think what Aussies look like. When I think stereotypically about what English people look like I straight away imagine big bushy beards and farmer looking folk which is totally not true most of the time obviously. So i'll turn up in the land of OZ and go from being an average looking girl to looking like a potato.

4) BBQs for every meal

Everyone bangs on about chilling on stunning beaches with the sun going down, around a big open fire with some dude on a guitar (which sounds totally perfect to me) and all they seem to eat out there is something on a barbie. Like the saying "put a shrimp on the barbie" which according to the aussies ive met on my previous travels, they don't actually do/say. I guess its kinda like every other country thinking us Brits just sit around drinking tea all day, eating scones and talking about the royal family and which posh bird they're going to have for dinner whether it being a pheasant or a partridge. Anyway, the BBQs on the beach part sounds perfect to me so I'm totally down with that.

5) Sydneys Opera House is actually a spaceship..

Every advert about visiting Australia has a picture of Sydneys Opera House and as you may have gathered by now im not exactly Einstien but to me it looks like a futuristic spaceship. I've only just found out writing this post by my boyfriend that it is actually used for what it says in its name (funnily ennough) which is for people to sing opera in. You'd think the name would give it away to me really but I was totally convinced it was just some big piece of art with a fancy name. Like the London Eye having a name that isn't actually what its called which is a massive eyeball. Although that would be pretty memorable and also pretty awesome.

Adios. Laurie.

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